Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Importance of Regular Dental Care for Pets


As pet owners, we want what’s best for our furry best friends and providing nutritious food, engaging in regular exercise, and scheduling routine checkups are part of a well-balanced plan to help give them the healthiest lives possible. While annual appointments with the veterinarian are often part of every pet owner plan, dental care is often overlooked. If your pet experiences dental problems, it can lead to serious health issues if left untreated. Keep reading to learn some reasons why dental care is crucial for pets.

Helps to prevent gum disease and tooth loss

Similar to how we as humans require routine dental care, pets are prone to many of the same dental problems. Without proper dental hygiene, these issues can lead to gum disease and even tooth loss, both of which can be difficult to manage and painful for your pet. Plaque builds up on teeth and hardens into tartar if left untreated. If this is not taken care of, gums can become irritated leading to gingivitis or periodontitis.

Periodontal disease is the most common dental condition in dogs and cats. In fact, by the time your pet is three years old, they will likely have some early evidence of periodontal disease. The best way to avoid these common dental problems is through regular dental care with brushing as well as by scheduling regular professional cleanings to help prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar.

Reduce bad breath

Chronic bad breath can be a sign of underlying dental issues and it’s important to be aware of the difference between a few instances of bad breath and consistent foul odors coming from your pet’s mouth. Just like brushing and regular dental checkups can help prevent gum disease and tooth loss, they can also reduce bad breath. This not only makes cuddles more pleasant for you and your pooch but also helps to prevent diseases caused by bacteria and plaque buildup.

Helps to improve overall health

If you observe bad breath, broken or loose teeth, extra teeth, teeth that are discolored or covered in tartar, pain in or around the mouth, or other signs that your pet is having issues with their teeth, you should schedule a visit with your veterinarian to have your pet checked. Dental problems can lead to more than just discomfort and bacteria that is left untreated can enter the bloodstream, resulting in more than just bad breath and sore gums.

Regularly brushing your pet’s teeth is the single most effective action you can taker to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and possibly prevent most of the common oral diseases. Dental care is an important part of a pet’s overall health and in addition to brushing your pet and the AVMA advises that their gums and teeth be checked at least once a year by a veterinarian. This regular care helps to not only check for early signs of problems, but also helps keep your pet’s mouth healthy, avoiding dental problems that can lead to other serious health problems. If you have any concern about your pet’s dental or simply need to schedule an appointment at Bregman Veterinary Group, click here to get started.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tips for Managing Arthritis in Senior Dogs


Just like humans, pets often face health challenges similar to those that we do as they age. Arthritis is a common condition found in senior dogs that can significantly impact their quality of life. The best thing you can do as a pet owner to prepare and support your aging best friend is to educate yourself on strategies you can employ to help manage potential conditions. If you are prepared yourself, you can help ensure they remain comfortable and happy when dealing with uncomfortable conditions such as arthritis.

Encourage healthy habits

One of the best ways to help prepare your dog for aging in general is to establish healthy habits in their everyday routine. Regular exercise through daily walks is a great way to help maintain strength and as an added bonus it encourages you to be active as well. You should also evaluate their eating habits and make sure the food you are giving them is the appropriate amount and is nourishing, encouraging a healthy diet. For any questions regarding diet, you should consult a veterinarian who can help you identify the best plan forward.

Establish a comfortable environment

To help make sure your home is comfortable for your dog, you may want to invest in comfortable, well-padded dog beds and place them strategically throughout your home. Ideally you would have these housed in rooms you know your dog already loves to spend time in like your living room and bedroom. If your pup is diagnosed with arthritis or shows any signs of discomfort going up and down stairs it could be time to identify ways to make their lives easier and find ways to make their traditional comforts more accessible.

Keep an eye out for signs of arthritis and consult your vet

According to the American Kennel Club, there are a few clear signs of arthritis in dogs which include:

  • Difficulty or reluctance to stand from a lying position
  • Difficulty going up stairs or jumping onto a bed or couch
  • Taking a narrow stance in the rear limbs
  • Wasting away of muscles in the rear limbs
If you happen to notice any of these symptoms, it’s important that you take your dog to the veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and plan. Your vet will conduct a physical examination, discuss symptoms with you and help you identify ways to manage pain and treat this condition.

Make sure you have a plan for managing pain

Pain relief is crucial with arthritis, and there’s no reason any dog should have to endure arthritis-related aches and pains. Your veterinarian can prescribe medications to treat arthritis in order to help manage pain due to arthritis. Pain relief is also essential to keep your old dog moving as he ages, and arthritis can become even more pronounced if he avoids exercise altogether due to discomfort. Even though a diagnosis like arthritis can feel very overwhelming and scary, there are many methods and strategies available to help your pup and manage their pain.

The AVMA suggests scheduling regular veterinary examinations in order to detect problems in older pets, before those problems become serious or life-threatening. If you follow this suggestion and take the proper care of your pup, you can help encourage and support a longer, healthier life for your pet. If you have any concern about your pup potentially having arthritis or simply need to schedule an appointment at Bregman Veterinary Group, click here to get started.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

How to Prepare Your Pet for a Visit to the Vet


Regular visits to the vet are important for your pet’s health and wellness. Similar to how going to the doctor can be a stressful endeavor for us, visits to the veterinarian can be nerve-wracking for pets. To help avoid this and encourage a smooth, stress-free experience, all you need to do is prepare in advance. Whether you’re going for a routine annual check-up or something more urgent, here are some ways to prepare your pet for their upcoming visit.

Work on socializing your pet

Some animals are fearful of the vet because they are shy or uncomfortable around new people and rarely interact with others outside of your household. When you put a pet like this into a situation that is out of their comfort zone and they are being handled by strangers, it can result in aggressive, out of the ordinary behavior. The best way to help avoid this is to socialize your pet by introducing them to new people and situations when you can. Through these interactions they can learn to be more comfortable and trusting around strangers and in turn it helps curb potential aggressive interactions.

In addition to socialization, you’ll also want to acclimate your pet to handling through touch training. If you gradually get your pet used to being handled in ways the vet might, you can help them become more comfortable with these scenarios. Practice touching and examining their paws, ears, tail, belly, and mouth so they are more familiar with these sensations when a vet does them during a visit. It’s also a good practice to include treats and praise with these practices so they learn to associate handling with rewards and make it a more positive experience for all.

Familiarize your pet with a crate

One of the most important things to do when first introducing your pet to their new home is to familiarize them with a crate. If your pet isn't already comfortable with a crate, you’ll want to introduce it well before any vet visit. To make it a comfortable space for them, leave it out at home with the door open, and place treats, toys, or a cozy blanket inside to create positive associations. Whether they will be placed in a crate for a few hours during a longer vet visit or you will use it as a carrier when driving to and from the appointment, this safe space and comfort will go a long way to easing anxiety.

Keep calm throughout the whole experience

As you may know, pets pick up on our stress, so it’s important to remain calm and positive before and during the visit. Speak in a soothing tone and avoid rushing or sudden movements to maintain a calm environment. When you’re at ease, your dog is more likely to feel the same way. Remember that you’re there for your dog’s benefit and well-being so try to stay positive even if you’re worried.

By developing positive coping skills like those mentioned above, you can help ensure a safe and pleasant experience at the vet for both you and your pet. In addition to these, the AVMA suggests minimizing distractions, arriving on time or early for your appointment, and bringing a copy of your pet’s medical records. Remember, visiting the vet doesn’t have to be a negative experience, so be sure to offer your dog reassurance during the visit. With the right preparation, patience, and understanding, your dog can develop a more positive attitude toward vet visits. To schedule an appointment at Bregman Veterinary Group, click here to get started.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Car Safety Tips When Traveling with Your Dog


Summer is the time when most families go on vacation and traveling with your dog can add to the fun. While bringing them along for a road trip seems like a relatively easy option, it’s important that you ensure their safety and comfort for the whole journey. Whether you plan to road trip across state lines or just enjoy a day trip to a local park, here are some essential safety tips to follow when traveling with your dog in the car.

Restrain your dog using a harness or seat belt

Just as you buckle up each time you get into the car, your dog should be properly and securely restrained to not only keep them safe for the ride, but to also prevent them from becoming a distraction for you during sudden stops. Whether you’re choosing a special harness that integrates with your car’s seat belt or specific seat belts designed to restrain dogs, it’s important you choose a product that keeps your pet secure for the entire ride. If you have a smaller dog breed, booster seats with harness attachments might be a better option for you.

Keep heads and paws inside the vehicle

It’s common to see dogs sticking their heads out the window when people are cruising around, but did you know this can actually be incredibly dangerous for your pup? Flying debris, sudden stops, and passing cars that get too close can all cause injury. Similar to how you wouldn’t let your child hang their arms or head outside while driving, the same rule should apply to your dog. Closed windows or slightly open windows are fine as long as heads and paws remain inside the vehicle.

Don’t allow them to stay in the vehicle alone

According to the AVMA, every year, hundreds of pets die from heat exhaustion because they are left in parked vehicles. There is no good reason to leave your dog inside a car by themselves, even for a short period of time. Even on mild days, temperatures can rise quickly inside a car, putting your dog at risk for heat stroke and cold weather can quickly turn the interior of a car frigid.

Schedule breaks throughout your trip

For longer trips, it’s important that you plan regular pit stops for your pup to stretch, get fresh air, eat, and relieve themselves, similar to how we plan these for ourselves. Since these stops are new environments close to roadways, it’s important that your dog remains on leash during these breaks.

Pack appropriate supplies

Having a travel kit for your pup for road trips can not only make the journey smoother but can also make them more comfortable and give you peace of mind you have what you need if/when you need it. A few good things to bring along include food and water (and a water bowl) for the pit stops, leash and collar with an ID tag that has your correct information, blanket or bed that is familiar, favorite toys, and waste bags.

Ensuring your dog’s safety while traveling in the car is essential for a stress-free and comfortable journey for all. If you have any concerns about your dog's travel habits or need advice on pet safety, don't hesitate to consult our team at Bregman Veterinary Group. Our veterinarians can provide personalized recommendations and ensure your dog is ready for any adventure. To schedule an appointment, click here to get started. Safe travels!

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Top Tips to Puppy-Proof Your Home


Bringing home a new puppy is an exciting adventure, especially in the summer when warm weather allows for more outdoor fun. To ensure a smooth transition for your new pup and the whole family, it's important to prepare your home in advance. Puppy-proofing is essential to prevent accidents like bathroom mishaps and chewed-up shoes. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get ready for your new furry friend.

Secure potential hazards

Much like you would approach “baby proofing” a home, “puppy-proofing” requires looking at your home from the lens of what is potentially dangerous and adjusting accordingly. First, you’ll want to make human food and cleaning supplies inaccessible to your pup by putting them high up on shelves and counters and behind closed doors.

You’ll also want to secure trash cans, keep toilet lids closed, and close doors when you’re not in the room to avoid unwanted mischief. Finally, remove poisonous houseplants and unplug electrical cords to protect your dog and your home from harm.

Set up a safe haven for your dog

Bringing a new puppy home is an exciting time for you and your family, but it can be a scary and overwhelming experience for them as their whole world changes overnight. To help your new dog adjust, it's a great idea to create a safe space they can call their own. Whether it's a quiet corner with a comfortable bed or an appropriately sized crate with cozy blankets, these retreats provide a sense of security and comfort.

Your puppy will quickly come to rely on this space for naps and breaks from all the activity, helping them feel more at ease in their new home. This dedicated area can also be a great training tool, helping you to reinforce positive behaviors and giving your puppy a consistent spot to retreat to when they need a moment of calm.

Get appropriate supplies

To help your new puppy safely acclimate to your home, you’ll want to make sure you have the right pet supplies on hand before they get there. This includes food, toys, treats, dog bed, and crate and can also include a pet gate if that works best in your home. Make sure all items are the right ones for their size and breed (i.e., dog crate should be the right size and food should be for their weight and age).

Don’t forget about your yard

If you have an outdoor space that you plan to share with your pup, it’s important that you also scan it for hazards and puppy-proof that space in advance. Some great tips include:

Fence your yard if possible (and ensure the space between the bars doesn’t leave room for unwanted escaping)

Fence or place a barrier around pools and ponds

Check landscaping for poisonous plants and remove or place a barrier around any you find

Put away cleaning supplies and electrical cords

If you are adopting a new puppy and need to schedule a veterinary appointment, our team at Bregman Veterinary Group is here to help. We make it our mission to help you determine the best course of action for your pet from the very beginning so that they can live long, healthy lives. To schedule an appointment for your new pup, click here to get started.

Monday, April 15, 2024

Why Are Dogs Considered Man’s Best Friend?


Ever heard the saying “dogs are a man’s best friend”? Dogs have earned this title time and time again over the years, and anyone who has ever had a pup in their family is likely familiar with why so many people believe in this. If you aren’t yet convinced, here are a few reasons why dogs are considered the closest and best companions for humans above all other domesticated animals.

Pups are natural protectors

Dogs have an intrinsic instinct to protect their pack and once they become a part of your family that instinct extends to you. As incredibly loyal creatures, their strong emotional bonds leave them deeply devoted to their human companions, making their instinct even stronger over time. This instinct makes dogs valuable guardians and there have been numerous examples of heroic dogs over the years making headlines for their protective instincts over their human families.

Dogs provide emotional support

When we are stressed or anxious, it’s well-known that dogs provide emotional support and are highly attentive to us and our emotional states. According to a study released by Duke University, dogs ranked closely to romantic partners and above best friends, children, parents, and siblings when their owners were asked who they turn to when feeling a variety of ways.

Dogs provide non-judgmental support in a unique way. They have also been found to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower perceived stress in individuals, improve mood, and improve energy up to 10 hours after interactions. Pups are such supportive animals that there are about 500,000 service dogs in the United States.

Service dogs can be trained to perform many important tasks to assist people with disabilities. Some examples from the ADA include providing stability for a person who has difficulty walking, picking up items for a person who uses a wheelchair, preventing a child with autism from wandering away, and alerting a person who has hearing loss when someone or something is approaching them from behind.

There are some great health benefits of owning a dog

There have been many well-documented studies that have reported clear health benefits of living with a dog. According to Time Magazine, here are some of the top advantages:

· Links to a longer life span

· Lower risk of cardiovascular disease

· Reduces the adverse health effect of living alone

· Can decrease allergies and asthma in children

· Increases opportunities for health-beneficial socialization

Your pooch will love you unconditionally

One of the greatest reasons why dogs are considered a man’s best friend is because they provide unconditional love. Pups are always there to offer a wet nose, wagging tail, and snuggle, no matter what, which can be comforting, especially when you need it most.

With over 62 million households in the US who own a dog, it’s clear that many people across the nation have already extended their happiness and brought a pup into their family. At Bregman Veterinary Group, we make it our mission to help you determine the best course of action for your pet so that they can live long, healthy lives. To schedule an appointment for your pup, click here to get started.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Signs Your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies


Springtime is synonymous with beautiful flowers, warmer days, more sunshine, and, for some, the return of dreaded seasonal allergies. While the telltale signs that allergy season is upon us are easy to spot and treat for humans, many don’t know that seasonal allergies can affect your pup, too. Just like us, they can experience uncomfortable symptoms as well.

Have you noticed your dog scratching its coat and licking its paws more? These may be signs that they are affected by these pesky allergies. Here are a few telltale signs to keep an eye out for.

Continuous scratching and itching

One of the most common signs that your dog might suffer from seasonal allergies is constant scratching and itching. Excessive scratching, biting at paws, and rubbing their face against surfaces could be a red flag that they are having an allergic reaction. Please pay attention to any scratching and itching that is out of the ordinary or bordering on excessive, as this is often the first and most obvious sign they are dealing with an allergy.

Red, inflamed, or infected skin

Similar to how some allergic reactions cause red and inflamed skin in humans, allergic reactions in dogs can appear similarly on their skin. Look for any and all changes to their coat and skin, including redness, hot patches, rashes, and infections.

Excessive paw licking and chewing

Allergies can affect your dog’s paws, which could lead to compulsive chewing, gnawing, and licking. If you notice your pup paying more attention to their paws than usual, make sure to check for redness, signs of irritation, and swelling.

Chronic ear infections

Chronic ear infections or red, waxy ears, common for dogs prone to ear problems in the first place, could be typical allergy symptoms you may notice. Pay attention to frequent head shakes, scratches at their ears, and clear signs of discomfort around the ear area, as they may be signs of seasonal allergies.

When you notice signs of an allergic reaction, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian

The AVMA said it best; “technicians are so important when it comes to client communication as well. That’s a huge aspect of being successful with allergic pets.” Understanding the potential signs that your furry friend is suffering from seasonal allergies is crucial for their well-being and an excellent way for you to get them the help they need when they need it. To best care for your pet who is suffering from seasonal allergies or any allergic reaction in general, you’ll want to consult your veterinarian, who can help you determine the best treatment plan.

At Bregman Veterinary Group, we make it our mission to help you determine the best course of action for your pet so that they can live long, healthy lives. By being proactive, you can ensure your dog enjoys each season without the discomfort of allergies. To schedule an appointment for your pup, click here to get started.