
Friday, January 26, 2018

Protecting Your Pet From The Weather

These last few years we have seen drastic and unseasonably warm and cold weather. As these weather trends continue to happen, now would be a great time to refresh on how to best keep your furry friend safe and protected with the ever-changing weather conditions. 

First and foremost, your pet should have their wellness exam. It is recommended to have a yearly checkup. This will help ensure their continued good health through the seasons.

Many people believe because of their fur that pets are more tolerant of the cold, this is untrue. Pets are just as susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite as their human counterparts are.  This is why it is important to understand your pet’s ability to tolerate the cold. Pets with shorter hair and thinner coats will feel the cold much quicker, whereas pets with longer and thicker coats may be able to tolerate the cold better, but they too can still be affected. A jacket/coat is a great option for pets as well. Depending on your local climate you may want to consider shortening the length of the walks you take with your pet too.

Summer heat can be just as dangerous, as pets can suffer heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Symptoms include panting heavily, lethargy, drooling, vomiting and collapse. If you plan to take them outdoors try to walk them early morning or in the evening. Avoid hot sidewalks and blacktop to keep their paws from burning. Utilize shade when you can to help them stay out of direct sunlight and stay cooler. Ensure they stay hydrated too by having water with you during your walks. 

As weather can greatly vary depending on your geographic location, so will your approach to protecting your pet. We want to help ensure the safety of your furry friends and hope you find these tips useful!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Protecting Your Pet

Have you recently added, or are considering adding a new furry friend to your family? If so then you will want to take the proper and necessary steps to help ensure their safety just like any other family member. Even with the best precautions accidents can happen. A possibility exists that your furry friend could make an escape. If they have their collar on then you stand a great chance of getting them back. But what if the collar comes off?

Thanks to technology you can help to further increase the chance of a happy reunion, this can be done through the utilization of an identification microchip. These devices are basically tiny transponders that are roughly the size of a grain of rice. These chips are implanted under your pet’s skin by your veterinarian or often times by the shelter if you got your pet from there.

The microchip is read by a handheld RF scanner, and the information it will relay when read includes a registration number and phone number. The chip is generally implanted under the skin between the shoulder blades using a needle. During the next 24 hrs. after placement, the pet’s skin will bond with the chip keeping it in place. The microchip lifespan is approximately 25 years. Data can also be updated if you move, simply contact the chip company and give them your new information.

Help ensure your furry friend’s safety in case of an accidental separation by keeping their tags on them and having them microchipped. This will help to ensure a safe and happy reunion with your furry friend!