
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Spring Preparation

As the seasons begin to change and winter fades into Spring, and the April showers start to bring May flowers, it’s time to start getting your furry friend ready too. They will be happy with the weather and the rains will mean fresh new grass to run and play on. As a pet owner though, you want to ensure their health as head into Spring.

Slowly Increase Exercise

Depending on your locations winter, your pet may have been less active than normal. This could have lead to weight gain and a decreased level of energy. Encourage them to take things slowly as quickly getting back into being highly active or exercising could lead to injuries. If you plan to start outdoor exercise consider including your pet.

Yard Inspections

Winter season can be harsh, and depending on your location can affect your yard in a variety of ways. To ensure your pets safety give your yard a good overall inspection. Check for debris, fallen tree branches, trash, debris, and anything that could pose a danger to your furry friend.

Seasonal Allergies

If winter season where you are was above average on snow/rain then you could be experiencing allergies all ready. Just like you, pets are not immune and may show signs too. Unlike humans, pet allergies manifest through their skin so be on the lookout for excessive scratching and licking. If you see signs be sure to schedule an appointment for a Veterinary visit.


As the weather warms those fleas and ticks that made it through winter will be back in full force. Along for warm up ride, mosquitos and Heartworm which can be carried by them. If you have not taken the steps to treat your pet with a preventive Heartworm, Flea, and Tick medication then now is the time.

Now that all that has been covered, it’s time to have some fun! Start enjoying the warmer weather with pet playtime and walks!

Friday, February 22, 2019

Pet Walks

Walks are great for not just you, but your pet(s) as well, and with today being National Walk Your Dog day we thought we would highlight those benefits. With the physical activity and the accompanying mental stimulation provided by sight and smell beyond the usual back yard when going for a walk, it can also aid in keeping weight in check. It also provides your pet with good joint movement while keeping their muscles in tone.

Take the following tips into consideration while creating a safe walk program for your pet.
Veterinary Consultation prior to starting any exercise program with your pet.

  • Ensure they are in good health for the exercise they are about to take on. 
  • Obey leash laws in your local city or county. 
  • Ensure your pet is leash trained and properly behaves when leashed. 
  • Start with shorter slower walks and rest as needed. 
  • Gradually increase your walk times while ensuring both you and your pet get the necessary breaks. 
  • If your pet wants to head home after starting each time, consider taking them to a local pet friendly park for a new experience. 
  • Try to avoid walking during the hottest parts of the day. Avoid surfaces such as asphalt that can burn their paws. 
  • Allow your pet to enjoy their walk and the new environment, give them sniff breaks during the course of the walk. 
  • Try to avoid walking on uneven surfaces and ensure safe footing to avoid slips, falls, and injuries. 
  • If you see signs of lameness, difficulty with breathing, or they tire quickly, consult your veterinarian.
  • Always remember to clean up after your dog. 

Similar to when we are warned about taking on an exercise program, the same goes for your pet. You want to ensure they are in good health and the program fits their health needs. If you are unsure where to start with a program for your pet, make an appointment to speak with your veterinarian.

Now get started on that next great walking adventure with your furry friend!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentines Day for Pets

Show your furry friend some extra love this Valentine’s day with some fun ideas and things to do for them! Here is a list of ideas to consider doing with or for your pet this Valentines.

  • Just like kids enjoy the toy store and picking out what they want, your pet does too. Many pet stores have an open door policy for leashed pets, so take them in and let them smell around the shelves for that perfect toy to take home and start playing with. 
  • Avoid the candy aisle for your furry friends Valentine’s day treat. Instead look for a Pet Bakery, this new phenomenon is becoming common all over, and they specialize in making treats that meet a pet’s dietary restrictions. Or if your feeling extra creative you could try making your own home made treats!
  • Plan a day just for them. Maybe an extended walk or park adventure for the ones that love running around. Forget about the rough day at the office and relax and enjoy the time with your furry friend. Not only will this benefit your pet and their health, but yours as well! 
  • Schedule some social time with fellow pet owners to get your furry friends together and enjoy some social time of your own while doing so. 

Whether February 14th is your favorite time of year or not, think outside the typical flowers and chocolates box when you’re planning out Valentine's Day with your pet. Be creative, have fun and remember it’s about letting your furry friend know they are appreciated and LOVED!