
Thursday, February 18, 2021

Top Healthy Human Foods That are Actually Good for Dogs

There’s no better feeling than bringing a new puppy home. If you’ve ever welcomed a four-legged friend into your home, you know that they quickly become part of your family. While it may feel like a fun idea to make your new best friend a plate of their own, it’s important to know which human foods are actually good for dogs, and which you should avoid. Providing your pet with great nutritional foods from day one is a great way to ensure their overall health and wellbeing is taken care of from the start. 

Your local pet store and supermarkets have dozens of dog food brands. With so many options available it can feel overwhelming when selecting food. It’s important to do your research before choosing a food so you ensure it’s great for your pup. If you’re still unsure of which foods to buy, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian who can recommend some awesome brands. 

If you’re looking to introduce human foods to your pup’s diet or are ready to become a full-time chef for your pet, here are some great healthy human foods that are actually good for dogs. Remember to hold the seasonings as they may upset their tummy. Salt and pepper are great for humans, but not so great for pups.


Carrots are great for dental health

Carrots are one of the healthiest snacks you can munch on, and also happen to be great for your dog too. One of the top benefits of your dog eating carrots is that it’s great for their dental hygiene. If you’re not in the habit of brushing their teeth, munching on a carrot is a good way to help remove pesky plaque from their teeth. In addition to great dental benefits, carrots are loaded with Vitamin A and are low in fat and calories making them an ideal snack for your pup.


Is peanut butter actually good to feed your dog?

The answer is yes, but like everything in life, it’s best to be enjoyed in moderation. Peanut butter has a great amount of protein, healthy fats, vitamins B and E, and niacin. The American Kennel Club says that the healthiest option is raw, unsalted peanut butter. Not only is it a healthy snack, but it’s also delicious and can be a great treat for your pup. **Please keep in mind that sugar free peanut butter with xylitol must be avoided.


Eggs are packed with protein and calcium

Similar to how we eat eggs as humans, the eggs you feed your dog must be fully cooked. Cooked eggs have an amazing amount of protein and can also do wonders to help build muscle, strengthen hair, and aids in tissue repair. Last, but not least, eggs provide a good source of calcium which helps strengthen your dog’s bones and teeth.


What proteins can you feed your pup?

Adding the proper amount of protein into your canine’s diet is essential for them to live a healthy life. Unseasoned and properly cooked poultry like chicken and turkey as well as fish like salmon can be amazing additions to your dog’s dinner. In addition to protein, these foods are packed with healthy vitamins that help your dog have a healthy diet.

Since your new dog is an extension of your family, it’s important that you are feeding them a nutritious and balanced diet from day one. Including some healthy human foods into the mix can be a great treat for your pup and also help ensure they’re gaining the necessary proteins and vitamins. 

While the foods listed above are a short list of what you can feed your dog, there are a few foods that are crucial to avoid. The AVMA states that chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins, fatty and fried foods, macadamia nuts, and avocados should all be avoided. If you have questions about how to provide your new four-legged best friend with the best diet and are ready to schedule your next vet appointment, reach out to our team at the Bregman Veterinary Group today. We look forward to meeting your new canine family member!