
Wednesday, April 14, 2021

How to Tell if Your Dog Has Seasonal Allergies


If you’re prone to seasonal allergies, you know the tell-tale signs that spring is around the corner. When we feel a runny nose, scratchy eyes, and more frequent sneezing coming on, we head to the medicine cabinet and grab the drugs that help us feel better. While this is a great way to take care of ourselves and our bodies, it’s hard to know when our pets need allergy medicine too. 


The AVMA states that over the past 10 years, they’ve seen a 30.7% increase in environmental allergy cases in dogs. Those allergens can vary by region and climate so it’s important to keep an eye out for signs of allergy symptoms. With seasonal allergies on the rise for dogs, staying informed as we head into warmer months to see if your pup may have allergies can be a great way to keep them healthy and happy.


Common seasonal allergy symptoms


Similar to how seasonal and environmental allergies cause us discomfort, they can make our dogs feel just as uncomfortable. If the weather is changing and you can tell your dog is acting strange, you’ll want to pay attention to the below seasonal allergy symptoms.


·      Running nose and frequent sneezing

·      Watery eyes and congestion

·      Excessive shaking of the head and/or scratching their ears

·      Incessant licking of the paws 

·      Skin irritation and/or hair loss

·      Hives or red, inflamed skin 


What causes seasonal allergies for dogs?


There can be a wide variety of things that cause your dog to have a reaction due to seasonal allergies. Some are the same as humans but the most common seasonal allergies are dust, pollen, grass, weeds, mold, fungi, and flea saliva. Allergies are quite common in pets so it’s important to keep an eye on the major symptoms, especially as the weather changes from winter to spring. 


Food allergies or seasonal allergies?


In addition to seasonal allergies, some dogs can also be allergic to foods or have food intolerances and sensitivities. According to the AVMA food allergies affect just 0.2% of dogs. It can sometimes be a bit challenging to tell the difference between seasonal and food allergies with dogs, but both can cause extreme discomfort. Some food allergies have very similar symptoms like itchy paws and patchy skin while other food allergies can also have additional symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal signs. Because the symptoms can vary, it can be tricky to pinpoint exactly what’s causing the reaction. 


Since your dog can’t express when they’re not feeling well, it’s important that you know the signs that something is wrong so you can take care of your pup. If you think your dog may be suffering from seasonal allergies or food allergies, it’s important to consult your veterinarian. They can help you get a proper diagnosis and prescribe the medicine your pup needs to feel better. If you are ready to schedule your next vet appointment at the Bregman Veterinary Group, reach out to our team today.