
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The Importance of Vaccinating Your New Puppy

Getting a new pet is one of the most exciting times for a family. This new addition quickly becomes a best friend to all, especially when it comes to dogs. If your new pet happens to be a young puppy or kitten, it’s key that you understand the importance of vaccinations and proper veterinary care from the very beginning, so you can set your pet up for success with a happy and healthy life. Vaccines are products designed to trigger protective immune responses and prepare the immune system to fight future infections from disease-causing agents. 


According to the AMVA some of the top reasons to vaccinate your pet are because it helps to prevent many pet illnesses, can help avoid costly treatments for diseases, can prevent diseases that can be passed between animals and from animals to diseases, and in many states throughout the US, there are ordinances which require certain vaccinations for household pets. When you bring home a new puppy or kitten, it’s especially important to get these vaccinations as soon as your veterinarian recommends because very young animals can be highly susceptible to infectious diseases. 



Core vaccinations and non-core vaccinations


There are a set of core vaccinations which are considered vital to all pets based on risk of exposure, severity of disease, or transmissibility to humans. For puppies, these include distemper, canine hepatitis, rabies, and canine parvovirus. While there are a few vaccinations most young pets get when they’re still very young, it’s important to consult your veterinarian to determine the best vaccines for your pet. In addition to the core vaccinations, your veterinarian may also recommend non-core vaccines depending on the exposure risk of your dog. Some of these could include Bordetella bronchiseptica, Borrelia burgfoferi and Leptospira bacteria.


Mandatory dog vaccinations in the state of Florida


As mentioned above, some vaccinations are mandated by local or state laws, and your veterinarian will be well-versed in the local laws for your state. If you are in the state of Florida, the 2020 Florida Statutes states that all dogs four months of age or older must be vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian against rabies. It also states that the vaccine must be licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in that species. In addition to the initial vaccination, the owner of that dog must have the animal revaccinated 12 months after the initial vaccination. 


How Bregman Veterinary Group Can Help


Depending on the health and circumstances for your puppy there may be a few exceptions to the mandated vaccinations but as a general rule of thumb all young puppies and kittens require a series of vaccinations. The first dose of a vaccine will help prime your pet’s immune system and the subsequent doses are designed to help with long-term protection. Because every pet is different you should consult a licensed veterinarian like those at the Bregman Veterinary Group who can help you determine the best course of action for your new puppy.  To schedule an appointment for your new pet, click here to get started!