
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Animal Abuse Registry Proposed in Albany

New efforts are being tried to reduce animal abuse in New York. Bryan Clenehan, Albany County Legislator, has introduced his proposal to legislation to establish a registry of convicted animal abusers within Albany County.

The nation’s first animal abuse registry was created in Suffolk County last year.
According to an article posted by CBS, the new county law would “create a registry for anyone convicted of animal cruelty within Albany County. Offenders would provide the Sheriff’s Department with their name, address and a photograph, and they’d have to pay an annual fee. The database would be maintained by the Mohawk Hudson humane Society and it would be accessible to breeders, shelters and pet stores with the county.”
This would require anyone selling or adopting an animal to check the database before releasing the animal. If anyone is found selling, adopting or giving an animal to a person the registry, they could be fined.
Clenehan said, “By taking a stronger approach to animal abuse, we are working to create a safer, more peaceful community for pets and people alike. This is an issue that crosses party lines and I have found tremendous support for the cause.”
Help protect our animals! If you are looking to give your pet away, check with your veterinarian first to see if they have a prospective owner. The Bregman Vet Group would be happy to help accommodate yours and your pets needs. Visit for more information, including contact information and locations.
Read the full CBS article, linked here.

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