
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Interview with Rebecca from the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic

The Bregman Vet Group provides the highest quality of care for your furry friend. One of four locations, the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic is a feline only hospital established in 1999. Located in Brooklyn, the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic is fully equipped to accommodate your pets every need including wellness care, vaccines, microchips, digital dental radiology, radiology and ultrasound, CO2 surgical laser and complete surgical facilities. 

We took a few minutes to sit down with Rebecca, the Office Manager at the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic. Please view the interview below:

Interviewer: Hi Rebecca. Thank you for your time. Let’s get started. Where are you from?
Rebecca: I am from Staten Island, NY.

Interviewer: What is your title at the Bregman Vet Group?
Rebecca: I am the Office Manager for the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic. In addition I also handle some veterinary assistant and receptionist duties. As the Office Manage, I perform inventory and place orders for medical and office supplies, as well as assist with staffing and scheduling.

Interviewer: Wow! Sounds like you do a little bit of everything. Do you work Full-Time or Part-Time at the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic?
Rebecca: I work full-time at the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic. 

Interviewer: When did you first start working at the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic?
Rebecca: I first started working this past January of 2011. It has been a great experience.

Interviewer: Is the 5thAvenue Cat Clinic the only Bregman Vet Group location you have worked at?
Rebecca: Yes, I have only worked at this location thus far, but I worked at a clinic in Staten Island for a number of years. I also previously worked at the Staten Island Zoo as a Pony Track Manager and took care of the ponies and operated the children rides. When I was a volunteer as a Junior Zoo keeper, I got to spend time with all the animals, so I have a lot of experience with pets and animals.

Interviewer: That sounds awesome! What an experience to have. What is your favorite part about working for Dr. Bregman?
Rebecca: I never worked with an all cat clinic before. It’s given me a better understanding of cats. It’s been a great learning experience working with Dr. Bregman. Every day is fun and the people are great.

Interviewer: What is your specialty? What makes you different than most of the staff?
Rebecca: That’s an interesting question. I would say it’s my understanding of cats. I can figure out what emotions cats are trying to express at any given time. I can interpret their actions and help to communicate with them better. I give every client full attention and am very thorough when speaking to them. Sometimes maybe too thorough! 
Interviewer: That’s not a bad thing! How many pets do you have yourself?
Rebecca: I have 4 cats. 3 of them I chose to adopt and 1 basically fell into my lap. All of them, except for the fourth, were rescue cats from my last job. I didn’t choose them, they chose me.

Interviewer: What is the funniest story you have from working at the Bregman Vet Group?
Rebecca: One of our customers kept letting their cat out of the yard and therefore it kept getting lost. The owner called one day and asked if we received a cat. I said no, and took down all of the cat’s information for future reference. A few weeks later I received a call from a lady saying she found a cat and as she was describing it to me, I realized it matched that cat’s description. It again wandered off and got lost. The women was really concerned and wanted to make sure it got home safely. I coordinated the delivery back to the original owner and the cat got home safe and sound. 

Interviewer: Wow, that’s great. It’s a good thing you remembered the description! Have you witnessed any pet miracles while on the job?
Rebecca: Yes! There was an instance at the 5th Avenue Cat Clinic recently when a cat came in to get its stitches removed. It had a mass removal of a growth and considering it was already a high strung cat, she was very stressed. From the stress, the cat’s heart rate dropped and then its heart stopped, right here in the office. Dr. Bregman immediately resuscitated the cat and saved its life within seconds. It was truly a miracle!

Unbelievable! This is not the first miracle we’ve heard from the Bregman Vet Group, and it certainly won’t be the last. You heard it from Rebecca. Stop by any Bregman Vet Group location or visit for more details. For a full list of location, click here.

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