
Friday, October 28, 2011

Increased Number of Household Pets Classified as Obese! What can you do to help your pet?

Approximately 50 million cats and 43 million dogs are classified as “overweight” or “obese” in the United States.

Pet obesity continues to be a serious problem, with a substantial number of household pets becoming seriously overweight. “While the general trend of overweight pets has remained fairly steady at around 50%, the number of obese pets is growing. This is troubling because it means more pets will be affected by weight-related diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease costing pet owners millions in avoidable medical costs,”(PetObesityPrevention).

Preserving the health and wellbeing of pets, as well as educating their owners on the risks of pet obesity is a top priority for The Bregman Vet Group. Obesity related diseases are robbing beloved pets of both length and quality of life.

“Increased awareness can help prevent serious injuries… If pet owners could keep their pet at a normal weight, many of these surgeries could be avoided” (PetObesityPrevention).

Even more important, notes Dr. Steven Budsberg of the University of Georgia and past-president of the American College of Veterinary Surgery, “is the impact obesity has on joints and the arthritic changes that are often crippling. Many overweight pets experience severe joint pain that could easily be prevented by proper diet and exercise,” (PetObesityPrevention).

Incorporating better diet and exercise programs into your daily routine could save yours and you pet’s life. Adopting proper nutrition, increase physical activity and regular veterinary visits, pet owners can help their furry friends live longer, healthier, and more quality lives.
Is your pet overweight? Do you fear your pet might be on a destructive path and at risk for weight-related diseases? If so, schedule an appointment with the Bregman Vet Group to discuss your options and actions that can be taken to get your pet healthy!

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