
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Allergies Are Hard To Treat In Pets


Tis’ the season…not for the holidays, but for many people’s worst enemy – allergies. Humans can take medication to help make breathing a little easier, not having your eyes water and to stop the constant sneezing. But allergies in animals are very difficult to diagnose and treat.
All dogs and cats can get allergies. The most common reaction is scratching.
“Allergies are a real head-banger. They are frustrating for vets, they’re frustrating for clients and the dogs and cats itch like crazy so we know it is frustrating for them,” said veterinarian Donna Spector, an internal medicine specialist based in Deerfield, IL. “Allergies are very challenging to diagnose accurately because it’s a diagnosis of exclusion. It takes a lot of money and a lot of time. It takes a very dedicated owner.” (
When it comes to pet allergies, there are four types: airborne (tree, grass and weed pollen; mold, mildew and dust mites), fleas, food and contact (carpeting or detergent). Fleas are the number one cause of pet allergies. They can jump on a pet, bite them and make the symptoms continue for up to a week.
Pet owners need to pay attention if they see symptoms of rashes, open sores, watery eyes, ear infections, runny noses, vomiting, diarrhea and discoloration of hair between toes.
If you think your pet has allergies and you would like them to be checked, please contact us at one of the Bregman Vet Group Hospitals and we can schedule your visit.

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