
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Early Spring Means Increased Risk for Ticks!

Although most people weren’t complaining about the warm winter and Spring’s early arrival, pet owners are faced with a double edged sword – warm weather brings sun, short-sleeved shirts, and an earlier risk of ticks!

“This is going to be a horrific season, especially for Lyme,” says Leo J. Shea III, a clinical assistant professor at the Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine and President of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society.

Often hard to diagnose and tricky to treat, tick-borne illnesses, including Lyme disease, can cause symptoms that range from muscle aches and headaches to serious and long-term complications that can affect the brain, joints, heart, nerves and muscles (

After a tick bite, Lyme disease could be identified by an expanding rash that looks like a bulls-eye. That doesn’t always happen, though. Some of the antibodies against Lyme disease will not show up for weeks, which could cause false blood tests. Some infections may not even be detected for months or years. When caught early, tick-borne diseases can be treated successfully with antibiotics.

Other symptoms to look for are fatigue, chills, fever, headache and swollen lymph nodes, which all can go misdiagnosed.

Researchers say the primary reasons for the global rise of tick-borne illness include the movement of people into areas where animal hosts and tick populations are abundant and growth in the population of animals that carry ticks, including deer, squirrels and mice ( Between 1992 and 2010, reported cases of Lyme doubled, to nearly 23,000 – with another 7,600 probable causes in 2010, according to the CDC.

Prevention is most important, because the complex interaction between ticks, their hosts, bacteria and habitats isn’t completely understood.

Please make sure you check yourself and your pets regularly for ticks. This can reduce exposure because removing them quickly can prevent the transmission of disease. Showering or bathing quickly after being outdoors can also help was of crawling ticks, or make it easier to find them.

If you think your pet has been bitten by a tick and/or is showing related symptoms, please contact us at one of the Bregman Vet Hospitals. You can also contact us to discuss preventative measures!

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