
Friday, August 31, 2012

Is Their a Reason Behind Your Cats Thirst?

Sandra, having done some research on the Internet, concluded that her cat may have diabetes because of it has recently increased the frequency of its visits to the water bowl.  

When cats and dogs increase their water intake and their frequency of urination, diabetes mellitus is often a primary cause.  Although diabetes is usually the most common cause, it is not the only one, renal disease is often another common cause of these symptoms. Cats usually do not drink water for enjoyment, so if there is an increase in their intake there is a reason.  Sandra will need to take her cat, Chai, to the veterinarian for a blood panel, urinalysis and a spot check of his blood sugar level.  

These results will enable the doctor to determine whether it is renal disease or diabetes. Diabetes is manageable with insulin therapy, while treatment for renal disease is completely different, depending on the severity of the disease at the time it is diagnosed.  

Suppose Chai does have diabetes, his blood work will show an elevated level of sugar because he lacks insulin which drives sugar from his blood into his cells to be used as a source of energy.  The elevated sugar level increases the oncotic pressure which the brain interprets this and tells the cat to drink more water in an attempt to dilute the blood.  This increase in fluid is filtered by the kidneys and produces excess urine.  

Most treatments involve insulin therapy to replace the deficiency, although few cats can be treated long term by monitoring their weight.  Insulin is usually administered by injection twice a day, which usually becomes as routine as feeding your pet.  We like to monitor the blood sugar levels of the patient throughout the day in order to modify the dose to fit their specific needs.  Some cats will not allow these injections, which makes it hard to find success in their treatment.  If Chai is not one of these cats he should maintain a good quality of life.  

To read the full article, CLICK HERE

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