
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Is Treating Your Pet for Ticks Life-Threatening?

There is so much information available to us at our fingertips which makes it hard to filter what is true and what isn’t.  Everything about being a responsible pet owner involves evaluating your unique situation and unique pet, and making conscious decisions to best take care of your pet.  

After consulting many veterinarians, we have concluded that there is no valid correlation between tick detections and increased cancer rates. There for we have concluded that using modern veterinary quality products present less of a risk than the parasites they prevent, although every brand and method is different containing different components.  This makes it impossible to say that all methods do not have any correlation to cancer.  

Misinterpretation in our society today often spreads very quickly because of all the various sources to advertise our ideas.  There are various websites, blogs and chat rooms that support these ideas without any real evidence often referencing each other as their sources. Overall the best way to ensure your pet’s safety is by consulting a trusted veterinary professional.

For more information, visit our website

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