
Monday, September 17, 2012

The Truth About Cat People and Dog People!

Are you a cat or dog person? Most people align themselves with one of these animals and research shows that your preference can reveal a little about your personality! 62 percent of U.S. households own a pet, dogs being the most popular at 39 percent, but cats are a close second at 33 percent.  These pets are so common that if you do not own one, chances are someone you know does. 

Studies show that parents with young children are more likely to own a dog that the kids can take outside and play with, while older couples and single are more likely to have lower maintenance pets like cats.  Living space is another factor in what kind of pet we own. However, people really try and match their personalities to their pet.  It is found that dog people tend to be more extroverted, agreeable and conscientious, while self proclaimed cat people tend to be more creative and adventurous but more prone to anxiety.  

There is even a link between our pets and the way we vote. A 2008 Gallup survey of 2,000 Americans found that 33 percent of dog owners identified themselves as Republicans while only 28 percent of cat owners leaned to the right.  Other surveys have found the split more even. Cat people and dog people are equally likely to have a four year college degree, but cat lovers are 17 percent more likely to have a graduate degree. There are many differences between the two sides, but there are also many similarities.  

Which pet do you prefer and what does it say about you? Let us know on our Facebook page, linked HERE

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