
Thursday, May 30, 2013

New Breed of Airport Dogs Offer Airport Therapy!


There's a new breed of airport dogs.  They aren't sniffing around for drugs or bombs, but they are looking for people who need a hug or a paw to shake!

Several airports across the nation, including Los Angeles International Airport and Miami International Airport have put together Free Airport Dog Therapy Programs.

"His job is to be touched," volunteer Kyra Hubis said about Henry James, her 5-year-old golden retriever that works a few hours a week at the San Jose Airport. "I am just standing there with him.  They are talking to him.  If I need to answer for him, I do.  But I am at the end of his leash, he's not at the end of mine."

The dogs are intended to take the stress out of travel -- the crowds, long lines and terrorism concerns.

"You can literally feel the stress levels drop, people start smiling, strangers starts talking to each other and everybody walks away feeling really, really good," said Heidi Huebner, director of volunteers at LAX.

You can read the full article from here

Have you seen one of these Airport Therapy dogs in an airport recently?  Let us know on our Facebook page, Linked Here!