
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bregman Vet Group YouTube Videos


Have you seen our YouTube Channel? 

Check out our client education videos and learn more about our practices located in Brooklyn, Long Island, and Orlando.  

Cutting Edge Veterinary Technology at Bregman Vet Group

Treating Hyperthyroidism In Cats on Long Island

Feline-Only Vet Practices on Long Island and Brooklyn

New Veterinarian in Orlando - Open on The Weekends

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Pet-Friendly Easter Egg Hunts!


Want to include your pet in your Easter weekend plans?  Here are a few tips to help you organize a special pet-friendly Easter egg hunt!

Easter Egg Hunt Tips:

  • Hide Treats in Dog-Friendly Toys - Plastic Easter eggs can crack in your dog's mouth if they chomp on them to get a treat.  Place any treats inside dog-friendly toys.  Some are designed with holes specifically for treats!
  • Limit Treats - Keep an eye on how many treats your pet eats throughout the day.  Limit your pet - you don't want them eating too much food, too fast.  This can cause an upset stomach.  
  • Know How Much You Put Out - Count the treats so that you know that they have all been found by the end of the day.  Leaving a treat outside can attracted unwanted critters.

Remember - Many traditional Easter goodies are dangerous to your pet.  Keep chocolate, lilies, and other pet poisons well out of reach.  Read more about how to plan the perfect egg hunt here.

If you do experience any problems with your pet's health this weekend, contact our office.  Our experienced veterinarians can help make sure that your furry friend is happy and healthy.

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How to Welcome a Pet-Friendly Spring


Although warm spring weather may feel perfect, you still have to take precautions with your pet just like you would in the winter and summer months.  Here are a few tips to help you celebrate a pet-friendly spring season.

Spring Pet Care Tips:

  • Maintain Their Coat - It's okay to let your pet have a shaggier coat during the winter, but as temperatures start to rise in the spring, it's important to maintain their coats so that they don't overheat.
  • Care for Their Paws - As the ice begins to melt, chemicals can puddle in the roads.  When walking outside, make sure that your pet doesn't stop to drink from any puddles.
  • Keep An Eye On Allergies - Suffer from springtime allergies?  Your pet may suffer too.  Look for itching, coughing, sneezing, flaky skin or an oily-feeling coat.  If you think that your pet is suffering from allergies, contact our office.
  • Beware of Spring Bulbs - Before you begin spring gardening, be aware of what you are putting in the dirt.  Certain flower bulbs like tulips, and hyacinths can be toxic to pets if ingested.

For more spring safety tips, check out this article.  You can also contact our office if you have any questions about how to keep your pet happy and healthy.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring Cleaning Safety Tips for Pets


Have you started spring cleaning yet?  Now is the perfect time to start!  As you start to go through old things and get ready for the warmer weather, remember to keep your pets in mind.

Here are a few tips to help keep your pets safe through your spring cleaning routine.

Spring Cleaning Safety:

  • Follow Labels - Many household cleaners are safe as long as you follow the directions on the label.  Remember, if it's unsafe for you to ingest, it's unsafe for your pet.
  • Use Water - Despite the fact that many household cleaners are safe, always keep your pets away from recently cleaned areas until everything has dried.  If you're worried about chemical residue, dilute the product with water.
  • Use Alternative Products - If you're worried about chemical cleaners, try all-natural ideas.  Baking soda can be used to clean up sticky areas around your pet's food bowl!
  • Clean Your Pet's Home - As you go about your spring cleaning, don't forget about your pet's home.  Make sure that their toys are clean and throw away any that are worn.

Check out this article for more tips on how to spring clean your home and keep it safe for you and your pet.  If you do experience any pet health problems this spring, contact our office immediately.  Our experienced veterinarians can help determine the reason behind your pet's health issue and address problems early on.

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Tips to Help Keep Your Pets Healthy For Poison Prevention Week


Poison prevention week is slowly coming to an end, but it's important to keep household poisons away from your pets year-round!  Here are a few tips to help you poison-proof your home.

Poison Prevention Tips:

  • Poisonous Plants - Certain common plants can be toxic to your dog or cat.  Lillies are especially poisonous to cats.  Keep them away from your pets if you plan on getting any flowers for spring holidays like Mother's Day.
  • Hang Up Your Bag - Purses, handbags, backpacks and other bags can contain medications, cigarettes, gum and other pet poisons.  Hang them up or keep them away so that your pet can't rummage through them.
  • Put Away Cleaning Products - Keep pets out of the room while your spring cleaning your bathroom.  Bathroom cleansers and other cleaning products can be poisonous to your pet.  You should also remember to close the toilet lid to keep them from drinking the water - especially if you use a chemical tank or bowl treatment!
  • Keep Insecticides Away - Read the labels on any insecticides you use this spring.  Never use flea and tick products meant for dogs on your cat and keep rodenticides far away from your pets. 

Check out this article from the pet poison helpline for more information on how you can make sure that your pet stays healthy by avoiding household pet dangers.  If you do experience any pet health problems, contact our office immediately.  Our experienced veterinarians can help determine the reason behind your pet's health issue and address problems early on.

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Why Does Your Dog Chase Its Tail?


Does your dog love to chase his tail?  Here are a few of the most common reasons why!

Why Dogs Chase Their Tails:

  • They Have High Energy - Your pet might just have some excess energy.  Tail chasing is a way to expend this energy in a playful way.
  • Playfulness - Dogs who chase their tails often love the sensation.  It's a happy way to play.
  • Certain Health Problems - Some dogs with anal gland problems, flea allergic dermatitis and other medical issues have been known to chase their tails.
  • Habit - For some dogs, tail chasing could be a matter of habit.  With practice, you may be able to substitute tail chasing with playing with a chew toy or other behavior.
Check out this article or this article for more information on why your dog may be chasing their tail.  If you do find that the behavior becomes obsessive and could be indicative of a health problem, contact our office.  Our experienced veterinarians can help determine the reason behind your dog's tail chasing.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How To Celebrate a Pet-Friendly St. Patrick's Day


St. Patrick's Day is just a week away!  Are you ready to celebrate with Irish foods, drinks, and friends?  

We remind pet owners to always proceed with caution when feeding pets table scraps - including during your St. Patrick's Day celebrations.  Celebrate a pet-friendly holiday with a better understanding St. Patrick's Day pet food safety.

St. Patrick's Day Food Safety:
  • Table Scraps - Table scraps can be high in calories and the drastic change in diet can give your pet an upset stomach.  
  • Corned Beef - Corned beef is a beef brisket soaked in salt and vinegar pickling brine.  Due to this curing process, it's extremely high in sodium.  While a little salt is unlikely to be harmful to your pet, too much salty food in one sitting can cause sodium ion poisoning.  In addition, the broth used to cook the beef can contain garlic and even onions.  Both of these are highly toxic to cats are and dogs.
  • Soda Bread - If you're making soda bread at home, be sure to keep the dough out of your pet's reach.  As dough expands, it can give your pet a bloated stomach.   Soda bread also often contains raisins or dried currants, which are both poisonous to dogs, and in some cases cats.
  • Guinness and Whiskey - All alcoholic beverages are dangerous to pets.  However, Guiness and Whiskey tend to be the go-to alcoholic drinks for St. Patrick's Day celebrations.  In addition to the risk of alcohol poisoning, hops - one of the main ingredients in beer - is toxic to dogs and cats.  
Check out this article from for more tips on how to celebrate a pet-friendly St. Patrick's Day.  You can also contact one of our offices with any questions you have about how to keep your pets healthy this March.

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

How Can You Keep Your Pets Warm in the Snow?


It looks like we are going to be getting more snow this week.  Here are a few tips to help keep your pets safe and warm on snowy days.

Cold Weather Pet Safety:

  • Bring Pets Inside - Freezing temperatures can be dangerous to even the most cold-tolerant breeds of pets.  If the temperature is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit (which is more common than not lately!) it's important that you bring your pets indoors.  Short-haired pets should come inside any time the temperature is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Provide Plenty of Water - Make sure that your pets are staying hydrated on cold days.  Make sure that their water bowl doesn't freeze and replenish the water frequently.  Lack of water can lead to dehydration.
  • Keep Anti-Freeze Out-of-Reach - Antifreeze is a common pet poison during the winter months.  If you spill antifreeze, dilute the area well and try to cover up the area to protect your pets.
  • Wipe Pet Paws Down - Ice melts contain chemicals that can cause blistering on your pet's paws.  It's dangerous for them to ingest, too!  Wipe down your pet's paws before they come indoors to keep them from licking ice melt off their feet.
Check out this article for more tips on how to keep your pets warm on snowy and icy days.  You can also contact one of our offices if you have any questions about how to keep your pets healthy this winter.

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