
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How To Celebrate a Pet-Friendly St. Patrick's Day


St. Patrick's Day is just a week away!  Are you ready to celebrate with Irish foods, drinks, and friends?  

We remind pet owners to always proceed with caution when feeding pets table scraps - including during your St. Patrick's Day celebrations.  Celebrate a pet-friendly holiday with a better understanding St. Patrick's Day pet food safety.

St. Patrick's Day Food Safety:
  • Table Scraps - Table scraps can be high in calories and the drastic change in diet can give your pet an upset stomach.  
  • Corned Beef - Corned beef is a beef brisket soaked in salt and vinegar pickling brine.  Due to this curing process, it's extremely high in sodium.  While a little salt is unlikely to be harmful to your pet, too much salty food in one sitting can cause sodium ion poisoning.  In addition, the broth used to cook the beef can contain garlic and even onions.  Both of these are highly toxic to cats are and dogs.
  • Soda Bread - If you're making soda bread at home, be sure to keep the dough out of your pet's reach.  As dough expands, it can give your pet a bloated stomach.   Soda bread also often contains raisins or dried currants, which are both poisonous to dogs, and in some cases cats.
  • Guinness and Whiskey - All alcoholic beverages are dangerous to pets.  However, Guiness and Whiskey tend to be the go-to alcoholic drinks for St. Patrick's Day celebrations.  In addition to the risk of alcohol poisoning, hops - one of the main ingredients in beer - is toxic to dogs and cats.  
Check out this article from for more tips on how to celebrate a pet-friendly St. Patrick's Day.  You can also contact one of our offices with any questions you have about how to keep your pets healthy this March.

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