
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Why Your Pet Should Steer Clear of the Valentine's Day Chocolate

It is a well-known fact that dogs should never eat chocolate, as it can be very deadly. It might be less known that cats should also not have a bite of a chocolate bar, but have you ever wondered why such a sweet treat for humans can be so toxic for our furry friends? Chocolate contains theobromine and caffeine. Theobromine is a bitter alkaloid of the cacao plant and can be very harmful to cats, and deadly to dogs. This compound mainly impacts the heart when chocolate is eaten, but the symptoms your furry friend will likely exhibit do not always present themselves immediately.

When Cats Eat Chocolate:
When a cat ingests chocolate, they may begin to show symptoms such:
-       Vomiting
-       Diarrhea
-       Increased by temperature and reflex responses
-       Muscle rigidity
-       Rapid breathing and increased heart rate
-       Low blood pressure
-       Seizures
As with any pet, these symptoms will depend on how much your chocolate has been consumed. You should be aware that milk and semi-sweet chocolate are the most harmful to animals as the number of toxic compounds found in these chocolates are increased as opposed to darker chocolate.

When Dogs Eat Chocolate:
The same goes for cats applies to dogs. Depending on how much chocolate your pup consumes, he or she will start to show signs of chocolate toxicity that include:
-       Vomiting
-       Diarrhea
-       Abnormal heart rhythms and/or increased heart rate
-       Seizures
-       Increased thirst
-       Elevated blood pressure
-       Tremors or the possibility of collapse
-       Elevated body temperatures

As for what to do if your dog or cat gets a bite of your Valentine’s Day chocolate (or any other chocolate for that matter), be sure to contact us immediately. We will be here to help you and cannot stress enough how important it is to stay calm, as your pet can easily pick up on your behavior. Here’s to a happy and chocolate-free Valentine’s Day for our furry friends!

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