
Friday, March 10, 2017

How to Stop your Pets from Destroying the Furniture

Here are a few helpful tips that might help you to regain some control of an out-of-control chewing situation with your dog or puppy.

1.      Understand Why
Puppies are like babies… They are discovering a whole new world & they explore with their mouths. Just like babies, they teethe & they chew because it gives them a sense of comfort and relief. It is your job to establish rules for what objects are appropriate for chewing. 

Adult dogs might be chewing for other reasons, and it is your responsibility to understand why & manage the situation until they have learned what objects in your home are not allowed to be chewed.  Maybe they never learned not to chew as a puppy, maybe they have anxiety or they are bored. They could be afraid, or just want attention.

2.      Teach & Supervise
Keep your personal belongings that you don’t want to be chewed in places where they are not accessible to your pet. Provide your dog with bright colored toys that are distinguishable from regular household objects. Supervise your dog & have a “safe place” in your home that is just for them where they have access to fresh water and all of the toys that are cleared for chewing. 

3.      Socialize your Dog

Make sure your dog is spending plenty of time with people and other dogs- if possible. They will never learn appropriate behavior if they are never given the opportunity. 

4.      Taste Deterrents & Incentives
You can spray and coat objects like your sofa with a taste deterrents that might make them unappealing to chew… Some dogs will chew right through a deterrent, but some will be put off by the bitter taste. On the other end of the spectrum, give them incentives to chew their toys by using them for feeding. Fill a Kong-type toy with kibble for meal times and occasionally treats. An infatuation will develop between them and their toys taking their attention away from your expensive furniture. 

At the end of the day, it is important to set boundaries, while understanding that things happen! Chewing is part of being a dog owner and occasionally your dog will inevitably chew something that’s important to you. And you’ll love them anyway!

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