Friday, May 19, 2017

Keep your Pets Safe During Tick Season

With tick season upon us it is very important for dog and cat owners to be aware of the signs/symptoms of tick-borne illnesses. There are a number of diseases that can be transmitted through tick bites. Some of these diseases can cause your pet to suffer. If your dog or cat is experiencing any of these symptoms, it would be wise to contact your veterinarian ASAP:

-Loss of Appetite
-Weight Loss
-Enlarged Lymph Nodes
-Difficulty Walking
-Excessive Clumsiness

            While antibiotics can help with certain cases, some tick-born illnesses can leave your dog or cat with long term health issues. Even if the antibiotic seems to have done the trick, symptoms can surface down the road.

            The cost of treating a tick-borne illness in your pet will be much higher than the cost of preventative treatment you can use to combat the blood-sucking insects. It is very important to talk to your veterinarian about what method of preventative care is the best for your pet. There are different options, but the two main methods are a topical medicine that goes on the fur, or a chewable pill that is ingested.

            No matter what form of medication you choose, it is important to realize that no method has a 100% success rate. The chances of your dog getting ticks throughout its life are very high, especially if you live near wooded areas. That is why it is so important for you to monitor your pets closely, especially when coming in from outdoors. Even if your dog doesn't spend much time outside there are ways for ticks to find their way onto them. Ticks can be transferred to your pet from other dogs, or even humans who don't check themselves before entering the house. Tick borne illnesses are not to be taken lightly and it is important for pet owners to check their animals regularly, especially this season after such a mild winter

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