
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tips For Keeping Your Pet Cool In The Summer

Summer is quickly approaching, which means extra fun with your pet enjoying the outdoors. However it also means rising temperatures, for not just you but your pet too! Here are some tips to help you beat the heat for your pet and keep them safe this summer!

5 Tips for keeping pet cool

  1. Shade. While out enjoying the sun at the park or beach, be sure to take breaks and seek out shade for a cooling off period. A pets fur can trap heat, making it even hotter for them, so ensure both them and you get a shade break. 
  2. Time of day. Exercising your pet is great, but should be done with caution during the hotter months of summer. Rather than a mid-day walk, take them out early in the morning or later in the evening when the heat is less intense. 
  3. Get a fan. Set up a nice cool enjoyable breeze for your pet to enjoy while you are gone during the day. This will help them stay comfortable while your away. Be sure to set it up so in a manner that keeps them from pulling it over and causing an injury. 
  4. Grooming. If your pet has a thick fur coat, consider getting trimmed to an appropriate length for summer temperatures. This will allow them to stay cooler and comfortable. 
  5. Frozen treats. Make your pet a fun tasty summer treat that will help keep them cool. Add treats to ice cubes creating a fun pet popsicle for them to enjoy. 

Happy First day of Summer everyone, and stay cool!

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