
Monday, September 16, 2019

Dog Allergy Season

The sniffles and sneezes of allergy season are always a pain. Believe it or not, your dog also experiences allergy season. However, skin allergies are more common in dogs rather than cats. Fleas, food, and environmental allergens are the three main causes of skin allergies in dogs.

Dogs usually experience allergies between the ages of 1 and 3. Certain breeds are more prone to allergies. Some examples include Retrievers, Terriers, Boxers, Dalmatians, Bulldogs, Shepherds, Beagles and Irish Setters. If you think your dog might have allergies, Bregman Veterinary Group can help detect and treat your pet.

Flea Allergy Dermatitis 

Did you know flea bites on your dog can cause an allergic reaction? When a flea bites your pet, a small amount of the flea’s saliva is released into the dog’s skin. This reaction is called flea allergy dermatitis.  This condition is a hypersensitivity to the proteins or antigens in flea saliva.

Non- allergic dogs experience little to no irritation to flea bites. However, if your pet is allergic then flea bites can cause intense itching and irritation. These symptoms can last for days causing extreme discomfort for your pet. This allergy is easily detected. You’ll notice your dog is chewing, licking or scratching at the site of the bite. It’s important to treat this as soon as possible to avoid scabbing, hair loss and scabs.

Food Allergies 

Food allergies in pets are caused by their immune system’s hypersensitivity to a protein in their food.  These allergies can manifest from dermatological problems or gastrointestinal problems. However, this allergy is one of the least common and only accounts for 10% of pet allergies. Most food allergens include Beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb, and soy.

Hypersensitivity can develop in your pet at any age. Symptoms of hypersensitivity include rash, hives, and itching. These symptoms are most noticeable in the face, limbs and on the side of the body. You may also notice your pet having respiratory symptoms and gastrointestinal distress like diarrhea and vomiting.

Environmental Allergies

Certain allergens can affect your dog whether they are seasonal or not. Like with humans, one of the most common environmental allergens with dogs is pollen.  However, other allergens that are common among dogs are mold spores, dust mites, and animal dander. Since dogs spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s nearly impossible for them to avoid contact with these allergens.

A huge symptom of environmental allergies is body-wide itching. Other symptoms include excessive scratching, licking and biting. Like flea allergies, it’s important to get environmental allergies treated to prevent hair loss and infections. Your pet can also experience inflamed ears and ear infections.


There are many different ways to treat all of your dog’s allergies. Bregman Veterinary Group can treat any and all of your dog’s allergies. Most allergies like flea and environmental allergies can be treated with a yearly topical or oral medication. These will kill any adult fleas and break the flea cycle, preventing future reactions. They will also help calm the itching your pet is experiencing. Food allergies can be treated with Corticosteroids or antihistamines. Corticosteroids will help reduce swelling after your pet’s reaction while antihistamines reduce any known itching.

Allergy season is a nuisance to everyone, including pets. Your dog’s allergies can cause them great discomfort. Bregman Veterinary Group knows exactly how to treat and prevent common allergies from occurring. If you’re unsure if your pet is showing symptoms or how to prevent allergies from striking, The Bregman Veterinary Group can help.

1 comment:

  1. People can be allergic to any species, particularly those with plumage. However, most animal allergies are caused by a person’s interaction with cats and dogs. If you’re having trouble being near your pet, it is essential to consult a virtual doctor for allergies.
