
Monday, September 30, 2019

Tips to Keep Your Pet Safe During Hurricane Season

With an active hurricane season upon us, it’s important to organize emergency supplies and documentation for your pet in advance of an emergency situation. Below are some important tips for keeping your pet safe and secure.


Ensure your pet is microchipped in case they get separated from you. A microchip will make it easier for them to be returned to you when found. Along with the microchip, be sure your pet’s identification tag is updated. This allows the person who finds your pet to contact you directly and with ease.

Emergency Kit 

In case of an emergency, you should have an emergency kit for your pet just as you would for yourself. There are 6 items that are important to keep inside your pet’s emergency kit:

  1. Your Pet’s Favorite Foods: During a hurricane it may be difficult or impossible to run to the supermarket or your favorite pet store to restock food. Your pet is already stressed enough from the storm itself. You want to make sure you have their favorite foods to keep their diet as consistent as possible.  
  2. Enough Water: During natural disasters, clean water may be at a premium, not only for you, but also for your pet. Be sure to stock up on enough water for everyone in the home.
  3. Collar with an ID Tag and Leash: Having a collar with an ID tag on your pet is important to have on your pet every day. However, it is critical during a natural disaster. As the weather gets rough, your pet may have an opportunity or be forced to flee from fear. Be sure the information on his ID tag is up to date. 
  4. Medications:  Just as you would for yourself, it’s important to bring medications wherever you’re headed during a natural disaster. If your pet is on medication for an existing problem, it’s important to keep at least a couple of days or weeks’ worth of that medication in your pet’s emergency kit.
  5. Important Documents: Be sure to keep your pets’ medical records or a copy of their medical records and other important paperwork in a waterproof container in the kit. This is important so any veterinarian will have access to your pet’s health history.
  6. Additional Items: The stress of moving from everything that’s familiar is difficult on your pet. To keep your pet comfortable, make sure to keep a couple of your pet’s favorite things in the emergency kit. This will give them some familiarity. For example, include your pet’s favorite blanket, toys, and treats. 

You want to be sure that all of these important items are at your disposal during an emergency. Keep everything in an emergency kit that is easy to take with you during an evacuation.


Hurricane season is upon us. Don’t wait until an emergency is happening to try and scramble together everything your pet may need. It is easy to forget important items such as health history and medications. Instead, get together an emergency kit for your pet and yourself! If you have questions about what your pet needs in their emergency kit or need copies of your pet’s medical history, contact the Bregman Veterinary Group.

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