
Friday, July 31, 2020

Virtual Vetcare: Telemedicine for Your Pet

virtual vetcare

Connect with Your Veterinarian Virtually

When beloved pets are not looking or feeling well, pet owners want to immediately help them. They tend to venture online and google symptoms, especially in the current environment, only to become confused, frustrated, and sometimes frightened at what they may read.  Nothing replaces consulting with your trusted veterinarian to help your pet. However, making an appointment at the veterinarian right away is not always convenient or possible. With virtual vetcare, technology allows you to connect with your trusted veterinarian on-the-go and at a convenient time that works for everyone. 

Virtual Vetcare Provides Flexibility

TeleTails, a virtual vetcare service offered by our veterinary offices, offers both video chat and message-based consultations.  The technology provides the flexibility to use whichever is easiest and appropriate for the situation. Upload a picture or video of your pet and the concern, or start a live video consultation -- the TeleTails platform is flexible, meeting your needs under any circumstance.

Secure and Convenient Online Veterinary Service

All payments for this service are processed quickly and securely. Payments are encrypted from end-to-end to ensure that client data is completely safe. The TeleTails payment processor is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. 

Implementing Virtual Vetcare With Clients

Clients can download the application to their iPhone, iPad or Android device. You may sign up for the service and request high definition, live video telemedicine consultations. Our doctors will receive your request and, in a timely manner. consult with you and your pet remotely. There is currently a $60 fee for this service that is charged by Teletails. Clients will consult with one of our Veterinary Doctors who is familiar with your pet. 

In order to maintain compliance with the State Veterinary Practice Act, please note the following:
  • You must be an existing client of our veterinary offices.
  • A valid client-patient relationship must exist. This means that one of our doctors must have seen your pet within the last twelve months.
  • Note that a visit to our facility or an emergency hospital may be required depending on the issue you are consulting with us about.

5 Steps to Getting Started With Virtual Vetcare Technology

There are five simple steps to follow to set up the virtual vetcare technology and get your pet feeling better:
  1. Download Teletails from the App store or Google play
  2. Enable Notifications
  3. Create a Profile
  4. Use the Code:  Bregman in this case
  5. Start a Consultation

Your veterinarian will make the appropriate recommendations for how to resolve your pet’s needs and get them on the road to feeling better and symptom-free. And, most importantly, in the case of a pet emergency, you should always call your Veterinary Hospital directly.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Keep Your Dog Active While Having to Stay Home

keep dog active

Due to the coronavirus, our world has significantly changed. Activity outside of the home was put on pause and we are spending more time with our pets than ever before. The extra time and attention we are now giving our furry friends is a great benefit to staying home. One thing to note though is that pets can sense stress and be affected by it. According to the AVMA, “stress can affect pets and cause them to feel anxiety. In some cases, dogs will exhibit anxious behaviors such as barking, aggressive behavior, or destructive behavior.” 

It’s important for us to note that COVID-19 has changed life drastically for our pets too. Finding a healthy balance between activity and alone time is very important. During this time at home, many people are turning to adopting and/or fostering pets and interaction has been at an all-time high. Our furry friends are a great source of companionship and help us fight loneliness. It’s vital for us to keep them active but also to give them their space so it won’t be such a shock when we do go back to normal. While you’re sheltering in place or just practicing social distancing more, here are some great tips to keep your dog active.

Schedule out daily walks

Without the structure of commuting and social plans, it can feel overwhelming to get anything done. If you schedule your daily walks, it gives you a plan to look forward to and keeps a routine for you and your pet. Remember, if you are practicing social distancing, it’s important to also social distance your dog. Switch up your routine and pick a new route each time. It’ll keep you active and your dog will love the exercise. Not to mention the change of scenery can be therapeutic for you both!

Teach them new tricks

There are tons of videos online to guide you when teaching your dog new skills. This is the perfect time to pick a few tricks to master and work towards that goal. It’ll feel like a huge accomplishment and help you and your dog bond. Start with the basics if you don’t already have those down and then move on to more advanced skills.

Entertain them with puzzle toys / brain teasers

Pet stores are starting to carry more and more pet puzzles and we are loving this trend. Just like it’s good to keep your mind active with puzzles and brain teasers, your dog can benefit as well! If you can’t make it to the store, there are some great alternatives. Some of the most creative puzzles we’ve seen involve using your delivery boxes to hide treats. There are endless things at home you can use to create a fun activity for your dog. It gives them something entertaining and productive to do and might be the perfect way to distract them while you’re on a zoom call!

Keep downtime as part of their routine

As the world slowly returns to normal, it’s likely you won’t spend as much time at home with your pets again. It’s good for you to keep downtime part of their routine so there isn’t as much of a shock when we do start going out again.

Keeping your dog’s active will help build healthy muscles and keep their joints strong. If you need a check-up or have questions about how to build a healthy exercise plan for your pet, reach out to the team at the Bregman Veterinary Group!

Monday, July 27, 2020

5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Hydrated During the Hottest Months

Pet Hydration

July is National Pet Hydration Month and helps bring focus to the important topic of keeping your pet hydrated. Summer has the hottest months of the year and it’s natural to want to spend more time outside with your pets. Your pets will most likely love spending time with you doing physical activities outside like hiking, walking, or swimming. While we all know how important it is for people to drink lots of water, it’s also important that our pets stay hydrated.

Did you know, humans are made up of only 55-60% water but 80% of your pet’s body is water? This means your pet can also be at a high risk for heat exhaustion or dehydration similar to people. These 5 tips are great ways to keep your pet hydrated during summer.

Make water accessible at all times

Even if you’re not around all the time, a water source should be available to your pet at all times. Leaving a bowl of clean, fresh water is important and can help keep your pets cool and hydrated. If you’re going on a long walk or out to somewhere new, make sure to bring a water bowl with you. Collapsible bowls are great to fit in backpacks and purses for water bowls on the go.

Give them a place to cool down

Pets (especially those with a lot of fur) heat up in the sun quickly. Make sure your pet has access to a nice shady spot so they can cool off. It’s important to avoid putting a leash somewhere that only gives them room to run in the sun. If you plan to spend a lot of time in your backyard, make sure to check on your pet often and give them time in the air conditioning to cool down if needed.

Replace water frequently

Water can get stagnant and become unhealthy for pets if sitting too long. According to the AVMA, you should keep food and water receptacles readily accessible and shall be cleaned regularly. Changing the water frequently and cleaning bowls can help prevent bacteria from growing and keep your pet hydrated.

Add water to their food

Adding water or wet food to their food can help increase the amount of water your pet is getting. Often people get water from the food they eat, specifically fruits and veggies. Wet food or a little bit of water added to dry kibble can help your pet get the water they need. It’s a little trick that goes a long way. Another way to offer your pets a refreshing treat is to give them ice cubes to chew on. The ice will feel good and it’s a great way to give them water throughout the day.

Look for signs of dehydration

Even if you have clean fresh water readily available to your pet, they may still become dehydrated. Knowing the signs of dehydration can help you react quicker and take care of your pet. Symptoms include:
  • Little energy
  • No interest in eating
  • Sunken eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Lethargy
  • Excessive panting

It’s important to keep your pet hydrated year-round but especially important to pay attention to the amount of water available during hot months. Supervise your pet and make sure they have plenty of shade and fresh water available. Keeping your pet well hydrated is important in keeping them safe. It will make those long summer days outside feel more comfortable for the whole family.