
Friday, July 31, 2020

Virtual Vetcare: Telemedicine for Your Pet

virtual vetcare

Connect with Your Veterinarian Virtually

When beloved pets are not looking or feeling well, pet owners want to immediately help them. They tend to venture online and google symptoms, especially in the current environment, only to become confused, frustrated, and sometimes frightened at what they may read.  Nothing replaces consulting with your trusted veterinarian to help your pet. However, making an appointment at the veterinarian right away is not always convenient or possible. With virtual vetcare, technology allows you to connect with your trusted veterinarian on-the-go and at a convenient time that works for everyone. 

Virtual Vetcare Provides Flexibility

TeleTails, a virtual vetcare service offered by our veterinary offices, offers both video chat and message-based consultations.  The technology provides the flexibility to use whichever is easiest and appropriate for the situation. Upload a picture or video of your pet and the concern, or start a live video consultation -- the TeleTails platform is flexible, meeting your needs under any circumstance.

Secure and Convenient Online Veterinary Service

All payments for this service are processed quickly and securely. Payments are encrypted from end-to-end to ensure that client data is completely safe. The TeleTails payment processor is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. 

Implementing Virtual Vetcare With Clients

Clients can download the application to their iPhone, iPad or Android device. You may sign up for the service and request high definition, live video telemedicine consultations. Our doctors will receive your request and, in a timely manner. consult with you and your pet remotely. There is currently a $60 fee for this service that is charged by Teletails. Clients will consult with one of our Veterinary Doctors who is familiar with your pet. 

In order to maintain compliance with the State Veterinary Practice Act, please note the following:
  • You must be an existing client of our veterinary offices.
  • A valid client-patient relationship must exist. This means that one of our doctors must have seen your pet within the last twelve months.
  • Note that a visit to our facility or an emergency hospital may be required depending on the issue you are consulting with us about.

5 Steps to Getting Started With Virtual Vetcare Technology

There are five simple steps to follow to set up the virtual vetcare technology and get your pet feeling better:
  1. Download Teletails from the App store or Google play
  2. Enable Notifications
  3. Create a Profile
  4. Use the Code:  Bregman in this case
  5. Start a Consultation

Your veterinarian will make the appropriate recommendations for how to resolve your pet’s needs and get them on the road to feeling better and symptom-free. And, most importantly, in the case of a pet emergency, you should always call your Veterinary Hospital directly.

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