
Friday, February 14, 2014

Parasites and Your Pet


When it comes to your pets health, parasites are often overlooked. There are the common cases of ticks and fleas, however, there are several other parasites floating around that spread easily within families and pets. Those parasites include hookworm, tapeworm, coccidia, roundworm and giardia. 
It's important to be wary of these parasites because they can be found anywhere, and they tend to spread quickly. 
If you think there could be a chance your pet is infected by a parasite, see below for some of the first signs of detection.
  • Vomiting 
  • Weight loss
  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea 
  • Decrease in appetite
The best way to determine if your pet is infected with parasites is to have a fecal examination performed. Below is the recommended schedule for fecal checks based on your pets age.   
  • Puppies and Kittens: 2-4 times a year
  • Adult Dogs and Cats: 2-4 times a year (not taking preventative medication)
  • Adult Dogs and Cats: 1-2 times a year (taking preventative medication)
As a pet owner, there a few measures you can take to protect your pets from parasites and reduce their risk of getting infected. The number one way to protect your pets is to remove their feces from your yard immediately after letting them outside. It's also important to protect yourself and your family from parasites. Try to avoid letting your pet lick any family members around their mouth and be sure to wash your hands well with soap and water after playing with your furry friends outdoors. 
If you have any questions about parasites and how to protect your pets, please give us a call at any one of the Bregman Veterinary Grouplocations. We would be more than happy to answer any questions you have. 

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