
Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentines Day Safety For Pets


Valentine's Day is just days away! You know what that means, love is in the air! Each year, poison control and veterinarians around the country see an increase in cases linked to pets getting sick by unsafe foods, candy and flowers around Valentine's Day.

Here is a guide, courtesy of the ASPCA, to help keep your furry friends safe during this lovey-dovey holiday!

Pet-friendly Flowers- Flowers are one of the most popular gifts given on Valentines Day. Most pet owners don't realize that if one of these floral arrangements end up on the floor and pets consume it, your pet can be in big trouble. Flowers can cause pets to have various stomach issues, especially vomiting. So, keep your flowers out of your furry friends reach!

Alcohol Accidents- We're sure you and your valentine will have a cocktail to celebrate this special day. However, an accidental spill that isn't immediately mopped up can be harmful to your pets. A little bit of alcohol can go a long way in pets, causing diarrhea, tremors and lack in coordination. Be careful with cupids concoctions around your pets!

Sweet Tooth- Candy is another big concern around this holiday. Chocolate can be extremely harmful to your pets health. The caffeine in chocolate can trigger stomach issues for your pet along with an abnormal heart rate. Our suggestion, hide the sweets!

Who doesn't love presents?- After exchanging gifts with your sweetheart, be sure to gather up any lingering ribbons, bows, tape, etc. and discard it immediately. Although your pets may look at these items as a great toy, these items can be dangerous if they swallow them.

Thank you to for these wonderful tips. We hope they will help keep your furry friends happy and healthy this Valentine's Day!

If you should run into an issue on Valentine's Day with your pets health, please contact the Bregman Veterinary Group immediately. For more information, visit us online at

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